Be Our Guest at Back 2 Basics Dentistry
Welcome to our practice and our blog site! Growing up with a dad as a dentist left an impression on my brother, sister and myself. He was a career army dentist, who when retired taught for while, worked for a dental chain and the opened his own private practice at the age of 58. We all work in the dental industry. I can remember a distinct smell my dad would have coming home every night. Over the years it became familiar and comforting. I didn’t know what that smell was until I was all grown up.
For some of us finding our true calling in life takes a little time. After graduating from Montgomery Central High School I went to Austin Peay State University. I graduated with a BS in Radiologic Technology and a certificate in Nuclear Medicine Technology from Vanderbilt Univeristy Medical Center. I enjoyed being a Nuclear Medicine Technologist but something was missing. A few years later my father asked me to help on weekends while he got his practice started after retiring from the Army. I remember assisting with a root canal and was in total awe of all the cool instruments and the procedure. I thought to myself, this is what I was meant to do! It wasn’t easy to get into dental school, I only applied to one, my chances were slim, but when I walked through the doors of Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry on my first day of school I smelled that all too familiar smell and it smelled like I was coming home at last.
A bit of our history…. The practice is truly owned and operated by family. My father started the practice in 1998 in a small building on Ft. Campbell Blvd. He grew it to a three location practice with multiple dentists and team members. My sister was his office manager from day one with a degree in Health Care Administration, which is not common to have an office manager with a degree. I was one of those associate dentists eventually. I respected what he built, was actually in awe of what he built, in such a short period of time, but knew I wasn’t meant to manage a practice that size at that time in my life. I grew up “across the river” so when it came time to choose a location and take over as owner I chose the Hwy 48 location across the river. I have never regretted this decision. My dad is still in the practice part time and I hope he never fully retires. He is like a walking dental encyclopedia. You can often hear us conversing in the hallway.
Everyone in our office realizes coming to the dentist can be intimidating, especially if it is a new dental office to you. We truly mean every word of our practice purpose. We strive to create a quality dental experience where you, the patient, feel truly valued and listened to. In order to keep your mouth healthy and smile beautiful seeing us on a regular basis is a must so we want to make sure we greet you with a smile and put you at ease.
It is my intention that our blog site will contain educational and helpful information along with a bit of humor. I love being a dentist, my sister enjoys managing the business side and my brother has enjoyed his career in dental equipment sales. When we are all together we can often be caught talking shop. What can I say, it is in our blood, oh and that familiar smell that makes us all feel like home…..a combination of alginate impression material and dental acrylic. I still love it to this day!